Regular price $40.00
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Special Reef Sand is a a coarse mix of 1-3 mm size aragonite sand sustainably harvested from pristine sites in the Western Pacific and Caribbean. Sterilized then packaged with live BioPronto, naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms that help to purify water in marine aquariums. Packaged in (15 lb) bags & (44 lb) bags.
We know your bottom line is important to you, but have you seen ours? You might wonder why we call it Outsanding. You might even think we spelled the name incorrectly, but you’d be wrong about that, even though our sands are pretty outstanding too. Not only that, the packaging stands out, and stands up. You can even carry them with the built-in handle. But like us you really should care mosta bout what’s inside. After all, that’s what goes in your aquarium. We pack Outsanding Selections beautiful clean Live Aragonite Sand with BioPronto Marine, our blend of live microorganisms that rapidly establishes the nitrification cycle in marine aquariums. Our Refugite live mineral rich substrate is another Outsanding Selections bottom, for refugiums and seagrass displays, for mangroves, and for LPS corals such as Goniopora, Trachyphyllia, and Acanthophyllia. Refugite also adsorbs phosphate and can be regenerated. It’s packed live with BioPronto too. Did we mention that it is also quite pretty? With Outsanding Selections your bottom line will look very good, and since it already contains BioPronto, the wait is over. “Sand and Wait?” Why not start your aquarium right now?
Free pick up at 108 Owen Road 218915 only
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