Regular price $33.00
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BACTO ENERGY is a special carbon source designed to feed nutrient reducing bacteria in marine aquariums. After addition of Bacto Energy bacteria will grow rapidly and thereby will convert unwanted nutrients like nitrite, nitrate and phosphate into biomass. The bacteria will either be skimmed off or taken up by corals and filter feeders, thereby providing an additional source of natural food. *former Ultra Bak*
BACTO ENERGY is a special carbon source designed to feed nutrient reducing bacteria in marine aquariums.
Dosage: Daily 2 - 5 ml per 1000 liters depending on the nutrient content and the animal stocking. For older tanks with high nutrient values, first carry out a phosphate reduction with ULTRA PHOS and reduce the dosage to 75%. Increase the dosage every 2 weeks to approx. 10%, always check the current water values. In case of occurrence of slimy deposits on the aquarium glass, and stones, the dose is too high. Please always carry out all changes to the aquarium carefully!
Free pick up at 108 Owen Road 218915 only
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